Outsource Manual Testing Services. We believe in your success and Testing solutions those can help you achieve the best results for your business, regardless of your field or Domain.

Manual Testing Services

Functional & System Testing

Functional Testing is vital for new or already launch websites, and it ensures that an application operates the way it should. During functional testing, we make sure your application/website working smoothly, all the functional points like search,orders, taxes, calculations, and logic flows, so on are working the way it should by putting ourselves in the shoe of an end user.

Under exhaustive functionality and System testing process, TechieLeo team:

  • Testing the application's main functions is a foundational step in ensuring its overall functionality and reliability. This involves a systematic examination of the core features to validate that they perform as intended and meet user requirements.

  • Using different testing techniques to find errors enhances the thoroughness of the testing process. Employing a variety of methods, such as unit testing, integration testing, and system testing, helps identify and address errors across multiple layers of the application.

  • Examining registration, links, save, update, edit, and delete functions is crucial for assessing the application's basic operations. This involves verifying that user interactions, data manipulation, and navigation functions perform accurately and securely.

  • Testing lead generation forms, login processes, site search functionality, and navigation pathways is essential for a comprehensive evaluation of the user experience. This ensures that critical user interactions, such as form submissions and site exploration, are seamless and error-free.

  • Checking the functioning of the application with both valid and invalid inputs is vital for identifying potential vulnerabilities and ensuring robust error handling. Verifying how the application responds to various inputs helps fortify its resilience against potential misuse or exploitation.

  • Examining integration with content management systems (CMS) and the backend database is necessary for assessing the seamless operation of the application's interconnected components. This ensures that data flow and communication between different parts of the application are well-coordinated.

  • Testing SSL certification, payment gateway functionality, and the checkout process is crucial for securing sensitive transactions. This involves validating the encryption protocols, payment processing, and overall security measures to guarantee a safe and protected online transaction experience.

  • Studying the functioning of third-party API integrations is essential for assessing the reliability and compatibility of external services. Ensuring smooth communication and integration with third-party APIs is vital for the overall performance and functionality of the application.

  • Examining acid properties validation and data integrity involves assessing the accuracy and consistency of data operations. This ensures that the application adheres to the principles of atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability, maintaining the integrity of the stored information.

  • Analyzing procedures, triggers, and functions is important for evaluating the backend processes that support the application's functionality. This includes reviewing database operations, automation triggers, and other backend functions to ensure they align with the overall goals and requirements of the application.

two women talking while looking at laptop computer
two women talking while looking at laptop computer

Cross Browser and Platform Testing

Make your website offer best experience on outdated as well as latest browsers. As experienced website testing company, we use proven browser testing processes to make websites perform flawlessly.

black flat screen computer monitor
black flat screen computer monitor

Our testing mechanism includes:

  • Eliminating the need to set up the test environment, browser, and real-time devices, we possess a comprehensive set of devices, operating systems, and browsers representative of your end users. This ensures a thorough evaluation of the website's performance across a diverse range of environments without the hassle of setting up individual test scenarios.

  • Testing the website's accessibility and compatibility on multiple browsers is a critical aspect of ensuring a seamless user experience. This involves a detailed examination of font size and style, text padding, and color-related issues to guarantee consistency and readability across different browsers.

  • Checking site navigation, placement of graphics, and overall appearance is essential for maintaining a cohesive and visually appealing design. This step ensures that users encounter a consistent and intuitive interface, regardless of the browser or platform they are using.

  • Ensuring the smooth functioning of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript functions is crucial for interactive and dynamic web experiences. By thoroughly testing these elements across various browsers, we can identify and address any compatibility issues that may arise.

  • Evaluating the website's load time on different browser versions is imperative for optimizing performance. This involves assessing how efficiently the website loads and responds to user interactions on various browser platforms, helping to deliver a fast and responsive experience.

  • Analyzing functioning on operating systems like Mac and Windows ensures that the website performs seamlessly across different environments. This comprehensive evaluation accounts for potential variations in system behavior and guarantees a consistent user experience.

  • Testing responsive websites on multiple mobile devices is essential for addressing the diverse landscape of mobile users. This step involves verifying that the website adapts appropriately to different screen sizes and resolutions, providing an optimal viewing experience.

  • Checking components like JavaScript, Flex, and Applets on multiple browsers is vital for identifying and resolving issues related to specific technologies. This ensures that interactive elements and dynamic features function uniformly across various browser versions.

    To guarantee thorough coverage, each web page undergoes testing on 12+ browser versions before launch. This meticulous approach aims to catch any potential issues early on, providing a reliable and consistent experience for users across diverse browsing environments

Regression Testing

In today Agile/Dev-Ops Era, Continuous development and delivery are the trend. It became very essential to continue testing the existing features/functionalities to ensure the changes/new feature development haven’t impacted the integrity of the complete system so that customers are not adversely affected.

Regression testing also required whenever there is modifications in the database & operating system updates, deployment configurations, bug fixes, integrations, patches, hotfixes, etc.

shallow focus photo of person using MacBook
shallow focus photo of person using MacBook

Regression Approach

  • Employing a Hybrid Approach that combines both automation and manual execution is a strategic testing methodology. This approach leverages the strengths of automation for repetitive tasks and manual execution for scenarios requiring human intuition and exploration, ensuring a comprehensive testing strategy.

  • Test prioritization, execution, and tracking are critical aspects of efficient testing. By prioritizing tests based on factors such as criticality and impact, executing them systematically, and tracking the results, testing teams can optimize resource utilization and focus on high-priority areas to deliver robust software.

  • Creating a release-specific regression test suite is essential for ensuring the stability of a software release. This suite comprises tests that specifically target the functionalities affected by recent changes, providing a focused and efficient way to validate the impact of updates on the overall system.

  • Conducting impact analyses of changes and updates is a proactive measure to anticipate potential repercussions on the application. By understanding how modifications may affect existing functionalities, testing efforts can be directed towards mitigating risks and ensuring a smooth transition during the release process.

  • Implementing risk-based regression testing involves selecting the most critical areas of the application for testing. This approach prioritizes testing efforts based on potential risks, enabling faster and more targeted results in areas that are essential for application stability and user experience.

  • Executing test cases in parallel across multiple browsers is a time-saving strategy. This simultaneous testing approach ensures comprehensive browser coverage without compromising efficiency, contributing to quicker feedback on the compatibility of the application.

  • Continuously updating test cases is a best practice to ensure relevance and efficiency. Removing obsolete test cases and incorporating new ones based on evolving requirements and functionalities helps maintain a streamlined and effective test suite.

  • Retesting after issues have been fixed is a crucial step in the defect resolution process. Verifying that reported issues have been successfully addressed ensures the integrity of the fixes and contributes to the overall quality assurance of the software.

  • Implementing an automation suite, even in the absence of manual test cases, enhances testing efficiency. Automation can be applied to repetitive and time-consuming tasks, providing rapid feedback on functional aspects and freeing up resources for more exploratory testing efforts.

    By incorporating these practices into the testing process, teams can establish a robust and adaptive testing framework that maximizes efficiency, accuracy, and overall software quality.

MacBook Pro showing vegetable dish
MacBook Pro showing vegetable dish

Exploratory Testing

Exploratory testing is about discovery, analysis and learning. The Test Team explore the system to understand the system functionality without any use cases/scripts or proper documentation.

In Today internet market, Competition is high and teams need to add features very rapid on sometime on the fly and frequent releases are required. To accomplish this teams are adopting continuous integration and deliver on the market demand of quality digital experiences to meet rising customer expectations.

However, with approach, there is less time left for planning, documentation and works with the ancestral test cases approach.

While speed to market is important, there are instances of million-dollar bugs or simple user experience disasters that are very costly. There are plenty of examples where the rush to deliver on deadline and poor-quality testing led to reputational and financial damage.

Exploratory software testing is done on the fly and relies on the tester to think beyond the limits of the scripted tests. Exploratory testers design a test, execute it immediately, observe the results, and use results to design the next test.

  • Simultaneous learning, test design, and execution characterize a dynamic and adaptive testing approach. This methodology integrates the learning process with test design and execution, fostering continuous improvement and agility throughout the testing life cycle. This ensures that teams can quickly respond to evolving requirements and incorporate newfound insights into the testing process in real-time.

  • Random or unstructured in nature, this testing approach reveals bugs that might go unnoticed during a more structured testing phase. Comprising a series of undocumented testing sessions, this method aims to unearth issues and bugs that may not be apparent through predefined testing scenarios. It encourages a more exploratory and creative approach to testing, uncovering unforeseen issues that traditional testing methods might miss.

  • The objective of this approach is to review the quality of a product from a user perspective. By adopting a user-centric evaluation, testing efforts focus on replicating real-world scenarios to ensure that the product meets user expectations and delivers a positive experience. This user-driven perspective is crucial for identifying potential usability issues and enhancing overall product satisfaction.

  • A key goal is to find obvious bugs early in the test life cycle. This proactive strategy aims to identify and address apparent issues at the outset, preventing the escalation of defects into later stages of development. By catching and resolving obvious bugs early on, the testing process contributes to a more streamlined and efficient software development life cycle.

  • Geared towards quick releases and iteration, this approach aims to speed up test cycles and reduce unnecessary documentation. Emphasizing agility and responsiveness, testing efforts prioritize quick turnaround times and iterative releases, minimizing bureaucratic overhead and focusing on delivering functional and high-quality software.

  • By eliminating the need for writing use cases, this technique streamlines the setup for quick releases. This approach recognizes that in certain contexts, extensive use case documentation may not be necessary, allowing testing teams to focus on rapid releases without sacrificing quality. It emphasizes a pragmatic and efficient testing process that aligns with the specific needs of the project.

    In summary, these points highlight a testing approach that values adaptability, user-centric perspectives, early bug detection, and streamlined processes to support quick releases and iterations in the software development life cycle.

person using laptop computer holding card
person using laptop computer holding card

A payment gateway system is used to approve online payments while making any purchases. Payment gateway passes the information of the transaction channel to the merchant bank and then checks the response received from the respective bank. Payment gateways protect sensitive information related to payment cards, like credit and debit card by encrypting them. The information remains just between the customer and the seller.

Payment Gateways Testing

In Today era every application has a payment gateway and digital payment is in trend. For an online business to become successful, it is imperative that proper testing of the integrated payment should be done, which makes sure that transactions are carried out instantly, and payments are made with ease.

Transactions are the back bone of the system and everything depends on it, so the payment splits, Refund, everything should be verified correctly.

  • To provide a secure, reliable, and comfortable online transaction experience, a meticulous payment gateway testing process is essential. This ensures that the intermediate path connecting transaction channels, including net banking, debit and credit cards, and merchant-acquired banks, functions seamlessly, guaranteeing the highest level of security for users engaging in online transactions.

  • Payment gateway testing serves as a critical checkpoint to validate that the communication channels between various transaction elements are operating as intended. This rigorous testing process aims to uphold the integrity of financial transactions, safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring the utmost security throughout the payment journey.

  • Offering both hosted and shared payment gateway testing services enhances the versatility and accessibility of the testing process. This allows businesses to choose the testing model that best aligns with their specific requirements, whether it be a hosted solution or a shared infrastructure, optimizing flexibility and scalability.

  • One of the primary objectives of payment gateway testing is to ensure that customers experience a smooth and hassle-free payment process. By validating the seamless operation of the payment gateway, businesses can provide users with a positive and efficient transaction experience, reinforcing customer satisfaction and trust.

  • Beyond ensuring a smooth payment experience, comprehensive payment gateway testing evaluates whether customer data is vulnerable to external threats from third parties. This security-focused aspect of testing is crucial for identifying and mitigating potential vulnerabilities that could compromise the confidentiality and integrity of user information.

  • The ultimate goal of payment gateway testing is to enhance the speed, accuracy, and security of the payment process. By rigorously evaluating these critical aspects, businesses can optimize the efficiency of online transactions, minimize errors, and fortify the overall security infrastructure, contributing to a reliable and secure payment ecosystem

a laptop computer sitting on top of a table
a laptop computer sitting on top of a table

UI/UX Testing

A user-friendly site with quick buying process gives better results. We audit website pages on predefined parameters to promise superior onsite user experience.

Under this testing process, we follow the below Checklist:

  • Testing information architecture and page layout is crucial for ensuring an intuitive and user-friendly website. This involves evaluating how information is organized and presented on the pages, contributing to a cohesive and effective user experience.

  • Checking accessibility and the placement of Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons is a key aspect of optimizing user interaction. Ensuring that CTAs are strategically positioned and accessible enhances the website's usability, encouraging users to take desired actions.

  • Examining readability, font use, and content padding contributes to the overall legibility and visual appeal of the website. This assessment ensures that text is easily readable, fonts are appropriately chosen, and content is well-padded for a comfortable reading experience.

  • Studying the placement of images, media, and input fields is essential for maintaining a visually appealing and functional design. Ensuring that these elements are positioned optimally enhances the overall aesthetic appeal and usability of the website.

  • Analyzing the appearance of error, success, and warning messages is critical for effective user communication. Clear and well-placed messages contribute to a positive user experience by guiding visitors through different interactions on the website.

  • Examining navigation and User Experience (UX) on multiple screen resolutions is necessary for accommodating diverse devices and ensuring responsiveness. This testing ensures that the website remains user-friendly and visually appealing across a range of screen sizes and resolutions.

  • Testing visitor behavior through parameters like bounce and exit rates provides insights into user engagement and satisfaction. Monitoring these metrics helps identify potential issues that may be leading users to leave the site prematurely, allowing for targeted improvements.

  • Checking Google Analytics and behavior data is a data-driven approach to gather critical insights. By analyzing user behavior and engagement patterns, businesses can identify trends, preferences, and areas for improvement, enabling informed decision-making to enhance the overall website performance. Sharing these critical findings ensures a collaborative effort towards continuous improvement and user satisfaction.

two women operating smartphone
two women operating smartphone

Make sure that end users can work with the website, software or application in real world scenarios without any difficulty.

TechieLeo team works with following points while conducting UAT:

User Acceptance Testing(UAT)

  • Studying application behavior is a fundamental step in the testing process, involving a thorough examination of how the software functions in various scenarios. This comprehensive analysis helps identify any deviations from expected behavior and ensures that the application meets the desired performance standards.

  • The creation of a test team comprising real-world end users is a strategic approach to testing that brings valuable insights into the user perspective. By involving individuals who represent the actual user base, the testing team can better understand user expectations and behaviors, contributing to a more realistic and user-centric testing process.

  • Validating the software against business requirements is a critical aspect of ensuring that the application aligns with the intended objectives. This process involves systematically checking each feature and functionality to confirm that it meets the specified business requirements, ensuring the software's overall effectiveness.

  • Ensuring that the system supports day-to-day business and user needs is a primary goal of user acceptance testing (UAT). This phase of testing focuses on verifying that the software not only meets business requirements but also fulfills the practical, everyday needs of users, ensuring its relevance and utility.

  • Designing easy-to-understand test cases and scenarios is essential for effective testing execution. Well-crafted test cases help guide the testing team through various scenarios, ensuring that each aspect of the software is systematically assessed for functionality, usability, and adherence to requirements.

  • UAT environment setup and deployment process involve configuring a testing environment that closely mirrors the production environment. This ensures that testing is conducted in conditions that simulate real-world usage, providing accurate insights into how the software will perform when deployed.

  • Recording and reporting all bugs and issues are critical steps in the testing process. Thorough documentation of identified defects allows for their systematic resolution, and detailed reporting provides stakeholders with transparent insights into the software's performance, facilitating informed decision-making.

  • Sharing reports and recommendations is a collaborative effort to communicate testing outcomes and suggestions for improvement. By sharing comprehensive reports, testing teams can facilitate discussions with stakeholders, ensuring that critical findings and recommendations are considered for enhancing the overall quality of the software.

person holding black samsung android smartphone
person holding black samsung android smartphone

Localisation! Yes, it is one of the key service offering for various companies in the rapidly unfold web industry. Websites are not limited to a specific geo graphical location or language. Most of the websites are used globally, and most of the web applications now days works with multi language, currency and time zone. So it is very imperative to test the web applications to test across all the time zones, language and currencies.

The TechieLeo team adopts a comprehensive approach to Localization Testing, focusing on several key aspects to ensure the website's adaptability to diverse linguistic and regional contexts.

Localization Testing

  • Firstly, the team rigorously tests the website for multiple languages and content translation. This involves verifying that the translation of textual content accurately reflects the intended meaning, ensuring a seamless experience for users in various linguistic regions.

  • GUI acceptance and functional testing are prioritized to assess the graphical user interface's responsiveness and functionality across different language settings. This step ensures that users, irrespective of their language preference, encounter an intuitive and fully functional interface.

  • Another critical aspect of Localization Testing involves testing the website for multi-currency support, currency symbols, and accurate conversions. The team ensures that the financial aspects of the website, including currency displays and conversions, adhere to the specific requirements of diverse regions.

  • To address global time zone considerations, the team employs proxy servers and static IPs to test how the website functions in different time zones. This ensures that time-related features, such as time stamps and scheduling, operate accurately and efficiently.

  • The testing process extends to the verification of date and time formats, along with scrutinizing help files and documentation. This meticulous examination guarantees that temporal elements are presented in formats familiar to users in diverse regions, and support documentation is accessible and relevant.

  • Localization Testing also encompasses a thorough assessment of how the web application handles essential information like telephone numbers, zip codes, and address formats. This verification ensures that these crucial pieces of data are captured, processed, and displayed accurately, aligning with regional conventions.

  • Lastly, the team emphasizes the importance of web application compliance with the policies of a specific region. This involves ensuring that the website adheres to legal and cultural requirements, promoting a harmonious and respectful user experience within the targeted regions.

    In summary, TechieLeo's Localization Testing approach encompasses language verification, GUI functionality, currency and time-related considerations, data formatting, and adherence to regional policies. This comprehensive strategy aims to deliver a globally accessible and culturally sensitive web application.